Friday, February 22, 2008

Great Weekend!

I'm heading out to my girlfriends cabin up in the Uintah's for the weekend and couldn't be more excited. There are six women going and we are snomobiling in! Wahooooo! They don't know this, but I spent the last two days sewing card holders. I thought it would be fun to give them each one. Then I've cut cardstock into business cards and have packed stuff to decorate the cards, and I thought we could write something nice about each person. I'm so excited, I hope they'll think it's fun! Everyone could use a little pick-me-up, right! My inspriation came from here:

Wishing you all a great weekend!


  1. You are too cute! Have a great weekend and I cant wait to hear all about it!

  2. Cool. You gotta let your husband loose next weekend. Melainie insisted that I get out with the guys one more time to go ice fishing!

  3. You crafty girl! :) Where do you find the time? I have a list of things that I WANT to do, NEED to do, and SHOULD be doing, but do I ever get around to it? I wish there were more hours in the day. Scrapbooking is one of them -- how many pages do you get done a week? I'll have to admit, I haven't done one in over 6 months! :( So sad.

  4. you're such an inspiration! what a great idea to do those cards. where do you find the time?
