Wednesday, June 28, 2006


OK, I've heard of terrible two's and that wasn't so bad, then there were terrible threes and that was a little bit more challenging, but can someone please HELP me with my four year old. She is the sweetest cuddliest girl, but man is she full of spit fire right now.

I'm not a mom that doesn't believe in spanking, but I rarely, rarely ever do it, and I lost my mind and spanked my kid at the local swimming pool on monday. I am still mortified. I really don't think I have any more buttons left to push, she's pushed them all. I'm telling you, I have tried everything, What do I do?????????? Help!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. OMG Jenny!! My daughter Grace just turned four about a month ago and she just started throwing these huge fits! I keep wondering what in the heck happened to my sweet little girl. She's just started saying no to everything and she is so stubborn it's driving me crazy! The other day she wanted a brownie for breakfast and I said no (we didn't even have any, lol) and she was up in her room (just because I eventually made her go up there) screaming for twenty minutes straight!! Okay so this is a huge comment, but I totally feel for you and hopefully this is just is stage, lol. Good luck!
