Monday, February 20, 2012

Master Bedroom Paint

I started painting my bedroom several weeks ago, and it turned out to be quite the project.  After searching ideas on the web and pinning them on Pinterest, I finally came up with a vision.  I started by cutting my own stencil through the good graces of Jody.  She let me borrow her Sihouette Cutter, of which I dream of owning my own one day.  Such an amazing machine!  (Please let me win one from someone's awesome giveaway! A girl can hope!)

Back to the room.  I stenciled a semi-gloss black paint of the walls and it took me a total of six days, over the course of two weeks to complete.  I then rolled glaze onto the walls, and ragged it off to define the texture in the walls and get an aged and dimensional look. This took me another three days to complete.

Next I painted the trim on the bottom and a white strip about 6 inches up. We then hung a thin piece of decorative trim.  We also hung casing trim along the ceiling.

I'm felt like the project was taking me forever, and I really let the house go.   However, Simultaneously,  I coordinated a quilting project at my girls school,  made some totally awesome valentines, planned & oversaw a valentines party for my 1st grader, and oversaw a boxtops collection at our elementary school.  Sheesh, I getting tired just thinking back on everything.  I have no idea how I got through it all.

Anyhoo, I'm on a hunt for new curtains, and then next year I'll be replacing our bedroom furniture.  Can't wait for the entire room to be put together, but a lass, we can not always have everything just when we want it.  Good things are worth waiting for though.

With that said, I am not off to paint the basement!  My goal is to have it done before my daughters 7th birthday.  Wish me luck!  If you like what I've done, leave me some love!  xoxo Jen


  1. That looks awesome! What a ton of work! I think you should paint your furniture black. Easy peasy, and way cheaper than new stuff.

  2. Love it! It is so gorgeous and the glaze and trim finish it off perfectly!

  3. I love it! Looks fabulous! You're so talented. I agree with Bec's comment to paint your furniture black. You can use latex Gripper as a base coat, and you don't even have to sand it very much before painting it on. That will stick, even though the wood is probably varnished, etc. Then you can paint on top of that with normal latex paint.
